Karine Grigoryan
Executive Director
Karine’s journey with Glendale Youth Alliance began when she was fourteen years old working as a
youth participant in the GYA Program. As the youngest child of an immigrant family, she was eager to
start work and earn wages. GYA provided Karine her first job as well as the strong work ethics and
discipline needed to succeed in the workforce. Karine learned firsthand the value of money and built of
strong relationships in her personal and professional life that have carried on for decades.
Karine returned to the Glendale Youth Alliance in 2002 as a part-time hourly Program Specialist working
directly with the youth, operating the grant programs, and mentoring the youngest youth, as she had
once been mentored. In 2005, she was promoted to Program Coordinator overseeing the budget and
financials of the organization and in 2007 became the Executive Director of Glendale Youth Alliance.
Karine is only one of over 14,000 youth whose lives have been impacted by GYA.
Life is a circle. The end of one journey is the beginning of the next. Joseph M. Marshall III